The 2006 PRFH was a lot of fun. I ran the in-state SS1K while the weather was cooperating. Folks started showing up on Wednesday and I didn't hear anyone complain about a thing. Just a bunch of pics below.
These pics are from Wednesday's ride out to the Flight 93 memorial near Shanksville, PA. I remember being there during the 03 IBR. It was moving then and even moreso now. Over the years groups and individuals visit the memorial and bring monuments and trinquets to erect and leave at the memorial. I'm not sure what they're going to do for the final memorial, but I sure like what it is right now.
These pics are from the ride into New York City and ground zero. The first stop was at a local hotdog joint called Rutt's Hut. Damn good weiners. The next stop was an overlook in Weehauken with an excellent view of the city.
These pics are from the Saturday banquet. Good food. Good friends.